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We are going to use one regular verb and one irregular verb to conjugate in every single verb tense we have learned from Spanish1 to Spanish3 now.
Two verbs that we are going to use are Hablar, to talk and Venir, to come.
1. Present Tense
(yo) Hablo (nosotros) Hablamos
(tú) Halbas
(Ud) Habla (Uds.) Hablan
(yo) Vengo (nosotros) Venimos
(Tú) Vienes
(Ud) Viene (Uds.) Vienen
2. Present Perfect Tense
(yo) he hablado (nosotros) hemos hablado
(Tú) has hablado
(Ud.) ha hablado (Uds.) han hablado
(yo) he venido (nosotros) hemos venido
(Tú) has venido
(Ud.) ha venido (Uds.) han venido
3. Present Subjunctive Tense
(yo) hable (nosotros) hablemos
(Tú) hables
(Ud.) hable (Uds.) hablen
(yo) venga (nosotros) vengamos
(Tú) vengas
(Ud.) venga (Uds.) vengan
4. Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense
(yo) haya hablado (nosotros) hayamos hablado
(Tú) hayas hablado
(Ud.) haya hablado (Uds.) hayan hablado
(yo) haya venido (nosotros) hayamos venido
(Tú) hayas venido
(Ud.) haya venido (Uds.) hayan venido
5. Preterite Tense
(yo) hablé (nosotros) hablamos
(Tú) hablaste
(Ud.) habló (Uds.) hablaron
(yo) vine (nosotros) vinimos
(Tú) viniste
(Ud.) vino (Uds.) vinieron
6. Imperfect Tense
(yo) hablara (nosotros) hablaramos
(Tú) hablaras
(Ud.) hablara (Uds.) hablaran
(yo) Venía (nosotros) Veníamos
(Tú) Venías
(Ud.) Venía (Uds.) Venían
7. Pluperfect Tense
(yo) había hablado (nosotros) habíamos hablado
(Tú) habías hablado
(Ud.) había hablado (Uds.) habían hablado
(yo) había venido (nosotros) habíamos venido
(tú) habías venido
(Ud.) había venido (Uds.) habían venido
8. Future Tense
(yo) hablaré (nosotros) hablaremos
(tú) hablarás
(Ud.) hablará (Uds.) hablarán
(yo) vendré (nosotros) vendremos
(tú) vendrás
(Ud.) vendrá (Uds.) vendrán
9. Future Perfect Tense
(yo) habré hablado (nosotros) habremos hablado
(tú) habrás hablado
(Ud.) habrá hablado (Uds.) habrán hablado
(yo) habré venido (nosotros) habremos venido
(tú) habrás venido
(Ud.) habrá venido (Uds.) habrán venido
10. Nosotoros Command
((Hablar)) ((Venir))
Hablemos! Vengamos!
11. Informal Command
((Hablar)) ((Venir))
Habla! Vengue!
No hables! No vengas!
12. Formal Command
((Hablar)) ((Venir))
(no) Hable (no) Venga
13. Uds. Command
((Hablar)) ((Venir))
(no) Hablen (no) Vengan
14. Conditional Tense
(yo) hablaría (nosotros) hablaríamos
(tú) hablarías
(Ud.) hablaría (Uds.) hablarían
(yo) vendría (nosotros) vendríamos
(tú) vendrías
(Ud.) vendría (Uds.) vendrían
1. When to Use?
Spanish si clauses, also known as conditionals or conditional sentences, are used to express what could happen if some condition is met.
Si tuviera dinero, iría contigo.
If I had money, I would go with you.
Me escucha como si fuera su profesor.
He listens to me as if I were his teacher.
2. How to Form?
1) Infinitive + same endings for imperfect
- endings : -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían.
2) Auxilary verb "haber" + past participle
- haber : habría, habrías, habría, habríamos, habrían
3. Two Types of Imperfect Subjunctive 2
1) Real Conditions :
- one which may actually come about or at least
is viewed as a possibility
- the indicative is normally used both in the “if”clause
and in the main part of the sentence
Si ella viene mañana, iremos al cine.
If she comes tomorrow, we will go to the movies.
Si nieva mucho, podré esquiar.
If it snows a lot, I can ski.
2) Unreal Conditions :
- one which will not come about or is viewed
as being completely hypothetical.
- the “if” clause in normally in a past subjunctive tense,
and the main verb is in a conditional tense.
a) Present or Future time situations
Si yo fuera rico compraría un coche.
If I were rich, I would buy a car.
¿Qué harías si fueras presidente?
What would you do if you were president?
b) Past time situations
Si la hubiera visto, habría dicho algo.
If I had seen her, I would have said something.
Si hubieras venido, te habrías divertido mucho.
If you had come, you would have had a great time.
1. When to Use?
1) Express subjectivity in the past after the same verbs, impersonal expressions, and conjunctions as the present subjunctive.
*For the imperfect subjunctive to be needed, the verb in the main clause has to be in one of the following tenses/moods: preterite, imperfect, conditional, or pluperfect.
Quería que lo hicieras.
I wanted you to do it.
Fue una lástima que no pudiera venir.
It was too bad that he couldn't come.
Yo iría al banco para que tuviéramos dinero.
I would go to the bank so that we'd have money.
2. Make a very polite request or suggestion (only with the verbs deber, poder, and querer).
Quisiera dos libros, por favor.
I'd like two books, please.
¿Pudiera Ud. ayudarnos?
Could you (possibly) help us?
3. How to Form?
1. When to Use?
- the conditional is used to express probability, possibility, wonder or conjecture, and is usually translated as would, could, must have or probably
1) To express speculations about the past
2) To express the future from the perspective of the past
3) To express hypothetical actions or events which may or may not occur
4) To indicate what would happen were it not for some certain specific circumstance
5) For polite use to soften requests
6) To ask for advice
7) For reported speech
8) To express what would be done in a particular situation
2. How to Form?
- To conjugate regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs in the conditional, simply add one of the following to the infintive:
ía íamos
ía ían
hablaría hablaríamos comería comeríamos
hablarías comerías
hablaría hablarían comería comerían
ex. El alumno dijo que estudiaría una hora más.
- The student said that he would study one more hour.
¿Qué hora sería? - What time could it have been?
Estaría en su casa. - He must have been at home.
3. Irregulars
:The same twelve common verbs that are irregular in the future tense are also irregular in the conditional tense. Their endings are regular, but their stems change in the same way they change in the future tense.
ex. caber - yo cabría
poner - yo pondría
decir - yo diría
haber - yo habría
salir - yo saldría
hacer - yo haría
poder - yo podría
tener - yo tendría
querer - yo querría
valer - yo valdría
saber - yo sabría
venir - yo vendría
1. Definition :
Nosotros commands are the equivalent of Let's plus a verb in English, for example, Let's dance!. In Spanish, they may be expressed in two ways, using the vamos a + infinitive construction or the subjunctive.
* Remember that as with all command forms, negatives are based on the subjunctive and object pronouns are attached to the end of affirmative forms.
2. The Vamos a + infinitive construction :
In the affirmative form the Vamos a + infinitive construction has two meanings.
For example, Vamos a bailar can mean We are going to dance (or We will dance), as well as Let's dance, depending on the context or the intent of the speaker.
¡Vamos a divertirnos! Let's have some fun!
¡Vámonos! Let's leave/beat it/get out of here!
No vayamos a almorzar ahora. Let's not eat lunch now.
!No nos vayamos! Let's not leave
3. The use of the present subjunctive for nosotros commands:
The first-person plural forms of the present subjunctive can be used to express both affirmative and negative nosotros commands, that is, the equivalent of Let's + verb.
Remember that:
1) if object pronouns are used, they must be attached to the end of affirmative commands, and this will always require a written accent in the nosotros forms.
2) the first s of the affirmative reflexive ending is lost,
that is -mosnos becomes -monos as in ¡Durmámonos! (Let's go to sleep!)
3) when se is attached to the end of an affirmative command,
the resulting ss is reduced to s
(¡Mandémoselo!, Let's send it to him/her/them! [not ¡Mandémosselo!]
¡Hablemos de otra cosa! Let's talk about something else!
¡Comamos afuera esta noche! Let's eat out tonight!
¡Vivamos en paz! Let's live en peace!
¡No se lo digamos! Let's not tell (it to) him/her/them!
¡Sentémonos! Let's sit down!
¡Démoselo! Let's give it to him/her/them!
4. How to form Nosotros commands :
1) Yo form - "0" + opposite ending
- For AR verbs, Use e/es/e/emos/en endings.
- For ER/IR verbs, Use a/as/a/amos/an endings.
2) Exceptions :
a) AR/ER verbs have no stem-change in the nosotros command form.
b) IR verbs have a special stem-change in the nosotros command form.
* 0 - u
* e - i
c) IRREGULAR verbs
* Ir Vamos
* Ser Seamos
1. When to Use?
- to describe emotion and uncertainty.
2. How to Form?
step 1) Start with the yo form of the present indicative.
step 2) Drop the -o ending.
step 3) Add the following endings:
-AR verbs: -ER/IR verbs:
-e -emos -a -amos
-es -as
-e -en -a -an
ex. Dudo que usted vaya al Perú en diciembre.
- I doubt that you are going to Peru in December.
3. Trigger words that Subjunctive is NOT used
: creer que ... to believe that ...
no dudar que ... to not doubt that ...
es cierto que ... it is certain that ...
es claro que ... it is clear that ...
es evidente que ... it is certain that ...
es obvio que ... it is obvious that ...
estar seguro que ... to be sure that ...
es verdad que ... it is true that ...
no cabe duda que ... there's no doubt that ...
no es dudoso que ... it is not doubtful that ...
no hay duda que ... there is no doubt that ...
1. When to Use?
- to describe what will have happened in the future
before a different action takes place, or by a specific time.
2. How to Form?
1) haber + past participles
- haber conjugations :
habré habrás
habrá habremos
habréis habrán
2) Irregular past participles are the same as
those used in other perfect tenses.
(go back to to other perfect tenses to look for irregular past participles)
3) The auxiliary verb and the past participle are never separated.
* Order: "no" + "object pronouns" + auxiliary verb
ex. (yo) No habré comido - I will not have eaten.
Pablo le habrá dado un regalo a sus esposa
- Pablo will have given a gift to his wife.
Pablo no le habrá dado ningún regalo a sus esposa
- Pablo will not have given a gift to his wife.
1. When to Use?
1) Indicate future time.
ex. Saldremos para Madrid. we will leave for Madrid.
El lunes iré al hospital. I'll go to the hospital on Monday.
2) Indicate conjecture or probability in the present time.
ex. Estará en casa. She is probably at home.
¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
Serán las ocho. It is probably 8:00.
3) Command (rare case).
ex. No matarás. Thou shalt not kill.
2. How to Form?
1) IR a + infinitive.
ex. ¿Vas a estudiar? Are you going to study?
No voy a hacer nada. I'm not going to do anything.
2) INFINITIVE + endings
-é -emos
-ás -án
-á -án
ex. hablar
hablaré hablaremos
hablará hablarán
3) Irregular stems
* decir - dir * haber - habr
* hacer - har
* poder - podr * poner - pondr
* querer - querr
* saber - sabr
* salir - saldr
* tener - tendr
* valer - valdr
* venir - vendr
ex. Enrique nos dirá la verdad. Enrique will tell us the truth.
¿Quiénes vendrán conmigo? Who will come with me?
Pondré la mesa en seguida. I'll set the table right away.
A. Definition :
- action or situation that may have occurred
before the action in the main verb.
- the present perfect subjunctive can be used
to express emotion or uncertainty.
B. Forms :
- present subjunctive conjugation of haber + the past participle
- and can be indicated by the presence of "que"
* past participles for present perfect subjunctive are the same as
the past participles used for other tenses, even the irregular ones.
haya trabajado hayamos trabajado
hayas trabajado
haya trabajado hayan trabajado
ex) Me alegro de que ella haya llegado
- I'm glad she has arrived.
Dudo que ella haya llegado
- I doubt she has arrived.
Niego que ella haya llegado
- I deny she has arrived.
Es posible que ella haya llegado
- It's possible she has arrived.
Lo haré después que ella haya llegado
- I'll do it after she has arrived.
1) How to form :
- combine the auxiliary verb "has" or "have" with the past participle
ex) I have studied.
He has written a letter to María.
We have been stranded for six days.
2) Present Perfect forms :
he hablado hemos hablado
has hablado
ha hablado han hablado
3) How to form the Past Participle :
- add "-ado" to the -ar verbs and "-ido" to the -er/-ir verbs
ex) hablar - hablado comer - comido vivir - vivido
** Verbs with two vowels in the infinitive form
require an accent mark on the í in the past participle.
ex) caer - caído oír - oído
traer - traído reír - reído
leer - leído creer - creído
4) Irregular past Participles :
abrir - abierto resolver- resuelto decir - dicho
romper - roto escribir - escrito ser - sido
morir - muerto v er - visto poner - puesto
5) Place negative words, object pronouns,
and reflexive pronouns before the "haber".
ex) No han comido - They have not eaten.
Pablo le ha dado mucho dinero a su hermana - Pablo has given a lot of
money to his sister.
Me he cepillado los dientes - I have brushed my teeth.